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Visual Holders

ETIQ easels and pedestals can be used as a menu holder in hotels, cafes and restaurants, as a documentation holder or as a price poster holder in reception and commercial places.

What type of easel to choose?

To facilitate the reception of your customers and the enhancement of your communications, many formats (easel, base, plexi block) and materials (metal, slate, plexi, PET ...) are at your disposal. For more flexibility, they can be chosen with or without elastic, magnetized or not, in straight or inclined support. To support your communication, there are several models of bases and feet. For a premium and eco-responsible positioning, FSC raw oak legs and bases are a guarantee of quality. They also exist in economical wood, for the smallest budgets. For a modern touch, opt for aluminum or plexi legs and bases.

The plexi or PET easel: the classic choice

Transparent, the plexi easel ensures good stability and total transparency. It can be used double-sided for optimized communication and chosen premium for a more qualitative aspect. For optimal value for money, the PET easel or base offers similar advantages with a more affordable price.

The metal easel or the slate easel: the original choice

The metal easel is available in many formats (A4, A5, A6 ...) and different inclinations, for use as a menu holder or poster holder in line with your needs. Very popular as a menu holder, the slate easel has beautiful finishes and can be installed indoors or outdoors. It is ideal for displaying schedules, menus and information that change regularly.

The wooden easel or the cardboard easel: the eco-responsible choice

The wooden easel is eco-responsible and can be chosen only in wood or by playing on a metal-wood or wood-plexi alliance for a modern touch. The cardboard easel displays a more sober style, but it is 100% recyclable and can be preferred for occasional use.
