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Sarl registered at the RCS of Lille metropolis under the number 433584414.

Whose headquarters are based in Leers, 8 rue de la plaine.

VAT identification: FR35433584414

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the rights and obligations of

parties to the online sales contract of goods and materials offered by Etiq Store, which is aimed exclusively at professionals and institutions.

These conditions relate to purchases made by buyers located in France, Belgium or Switzerland.

For all deliveries outside the aforementioned countries, it should be noted to obtain a specific quote.

Any order implies full acceptance of the conditions below; except for any documents subsequently issued by prospectus, or on the Company's website.

The fact that the seller does not avail himself at any given time of one of these terms and conditions of sale cannot be construed as a waiver to avail himself of it at a later date.


The buyer placed his order online, from the online catalogue and through the form on the site.

Each item is designated by a code meaning its nature and its packaging unit.

Items sold by packaging cannot be sold individually.

The products are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy. However, if errors or omissions may have occurred with respect to this presentation, the seller cannot be held liable.

Photographs of the products are not contractual.

It is proposed to validate four steps before accessing a summary of the order.

In order for the order to be validated, the buyer will have to accept, by clicking on the indicated location, these terms and conditions.

Any order will only be considered permanently registered after acceptance of Phase 5, which will generate a summary of the order.

Any order is worth accepting prices and descriptions of the products available for sale.

The online provision of the buyer's bank details and the final validation of the order will be proof of the buyer's agreement on the due fees due under the purchase order and on the express acceptance of all transactions carried out.


Contractual information will be confirmed by e-mail no later than the time of delivery or, failing that, at the address indicated by the buyer within the purchase order.

In some cases, such as default, incorrect address or any other problem on the buyer's account, the seller reserves the right to block the buyer's order until the buyer is resolved.

If the product proves unavailable, the buyer will be notified by email.

The cancellation of the order for this product and its possible refund will then be made, the rest of the order remaining firm and final.


Our prices are duty free "factory departure." Invoices are set at the rates and conditions in effect at the time of the order.

Prices take into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order and any change in the applicable VAT rate will be automatically passed on to the price of the products in the online store. The payment of the entire price must be made at the time of the order.

At no time can the sums paid be considered as deposits or instalments.

Any tax, tax, duty or other benefit to be created or modified, in accord with French regulations or an importing country, will be passed on to the selling price of the products.


The payment of the order is only by debit to the buyer's bank account following the secure SSL protocol of our financial partner CDN. The buyer will have filled out his bank details at the designated location and guarantees the provision in his account.

If payment authorization is refused by the officially accredited agencies or the bank, the seller will be entitled to suspend the management of the order. He thus reserves the right to refuse to deliver the current order.

As the order is firm and final, Etiq Store reserves the option of demanding forced payment after sending a recommended letter that has not been granted.

In accordance with Article L441-6 paragraph 12 of the Code of Commerce, the customer will be required to pay a compensation of 40 euros for any late payment, the said sum to cover the costs of collection.

If a previous order has not been fully settled, the seller may refuse to honour this order.

The seller may require a verification procedure to ensure that the customer does not use another person's bank details without their knowledge.

The buyer may be asked to fax a copy of an ID and his rib. It is only upon receipt of these documents that the order will be validated.


Our deliveries are made by the carrier of our choice and result in billing for transportation costs.

The products are delivered to the address indicated by the buyer on the purchase order and as such the buyer will have to ensure the accuracy of the mentions. Any parcels returned to the seller due to an incorrect or incomplete delivery address will be re-shipment at the buyer's expense.

In all cases, the goods travel at the buyer's peril, regardless of how the price of transportation is settled. We grant the port Franco from 450 euros HT order excluding:

- special manufacturing orders

- orders for large products

- additions to an initial order which, on a cumulative basis, will reach 450 euros HT, and which would give rise to several shipments

- deliveries requested by the buyer in express.

In accordance with Article L 133-3 of the Code of Commerce, which governs the relationship between the carrier and its customer, it is recalled that:

"Any product that has not been the subject of reservations by recommended letter with AR within three days of receiving it from the carrier will be considered accepted by the customer."

Therefore, if the delivery is made, in accordance with the contract, at the buyer's home, the buyer is invited to carry out the usual checks: the number of parcels and the condition of the packaging in the presence of the carrier.

No claim will be accepted if a copy of the letter to the carrier has not been brought to the seller's attention within a reasonable time.


If the products need to be returned to the seller, they must be requested back within seven free days of delivery by email or fax to the service whose contact information is in the SAV tab of the website. Any return of goods must be the subject of a written agreement between Etiq Store and the buyer. The goods must be in their original packaging and in a new condition. The costs and risks of return are the responsibility of the purchaser.

These returns may be justified in the event of a delivery error and/or non-compliance of the products in kind or in quality in relation to the indications on the purchase order.

After checking the returned goods, Etiq Store sends the buyer a credit corresponding to the original value.


The products are guaranteed against any material or manufacturing defects for a period of 6 months from delivery.

The seller's only obligation will be, at his choice, the free replacement or repair of the product unless this method of compensation proves disproportionate.

To benefit from the warranty, the product will be submitted to the after-sale service of the seller whose agreement is essential.

The cost of shipping is the responsibility of the buyer.

The warranty does not play for apparent defects or for damage caused by natural wear or abnormal use of the product.


The archiving of purchase orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as proof.

The seller confirms that their retention in his company's computer systems is done under reasonable security conditions.


It is expressly agreed that Etiq Store retains the full and exclusive ownership of the merchandise until its full price is paid.

In the event that the customer wishes to resell the goods, he undertakes to inform the sub-purchaser of the reserve of ownership clause and the right that Etiq Store reserves to claim in his hands, either the merchandise or the resale price up to his principal claim.


Any dispute over the application of these terms and conditions of sale and their interpretation, execution and sales contracts entered into by our company, shall be brought before the Commercial Court of our company's headquarters, regardless of the location of the order, delivery and payment, even in the event of a warranty appeal or plurality of defendants.

The attribution of jurisdiction applies to a primary application, an incident request, for an action on the merits or a referral.


Etiq designs its own products. These are covered by copyright.

Their unauthorized reproduction constitutes a forgery.

The customer who offers the manufacture of custom products to Etiq Store, recognizes that he cannot be considered a co-author or holder of a collective work.

Made in Lille in January 2015.