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Time to process order

For any order validated before noon, your order will be shipped the same day (if the product is in stock)

Delivery time

Etiq store ensures you the best time and service that suits you.

We are currently working with two carriers: Chronopost and Gefco.

- Chronopost for small packages less than 30kg. We are committed to delivering you within 48 hours (excluding problems involving additional time) and to inform you of the shipment of your order.

- Gefco for bulky, pallet delivery. Delays are 24/48 hours for the North of France (unsecured). 48/72 hours time for the south of France (from the South of Paris). Five days for Corsica.

Cost of shipping

Shipping costs are based on the weight of the products and your zip code.

Thanks to our internet offer, enjoy a French port starting at 450 euros HT for any order of standard products such as Visual Holders, display pouches, label holders.

Free withdrawal is possible at our Leers warehouse.

You can also get a free sample (maximum value: 9 HT) on request.

For any delivery outside France or an express delivery, please contact us.

Excluding express transport and only in metropolitan France