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Our job

Etiq Group has been a manufacturer of PLV and a distributor of accessories for more than 20 years. We design and create innovative products for professionals.

Our organization allows us to better meet your needs because we specialize according to your profession.

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Who are we?

Advisors, specialized in your field of activity, are at your to analyze your need.

A research and development team of creative and passionate men and women are there to invent the products of tomorrow.

Our organization, in 3 business units, allows us to know your business well, so we can best meet your request by offering you the most appropriate solutions.

Because we are all concerned about the future and respect for the environment, Etiq Group has, for 15 years, integrated a recycling chain where 95% of waste is recycled.

We offer a wider range of recyclable products.


Nouveau site Etiq Création

New etiq Creation site

Our Etiq Creation website is evolving and presenting its new version.

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Nouvelle gamme de produits bois

New range of wood products

Discover our range of wood products, ranging from poplar plywood to OSB

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Catalogue Etiq création 2019

Etiq catalogue creation 2019

Check out Etiq Creation's standard catalogue. 196 pages of solutions for your outlets.

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Any questions?

Looking for an innovative solution to animate your outlet?

Contact us