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Innovative creations!

Etiq Creation brings together a team dedicated to finding innovative and effective solutions ...

Unique solutions created to meet your needs and identity.

From design to production, not to mention logistics, Etiq Creation scrupulously and in every detail respects the specifications established with you.

Our goal: 100% satisfied customers!

Some examples of creations!

Jacob Delafon faucet display

Jacob Delafon/ Product Tap Display / Brand


> Design a design and modern display for a faucet product.

Our response

A premium display that painstakingly combines printed plexiglass and etched brushed aluminum to give the product a luxurious look. With a functional and uncluttered support, the display perfectly fits the contours of the JACOB DELAFON faucet to better highlight it.

> Deployment under study.

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Heart-shaped slate visual holder on wooden base with screw

Shop / Jewelry / Lingerie


>Realize an original Valentine's Day-themed communication campaign.

Our response

Based on our reference "slate on wooden base with nylon screw" (416-233), we opted for a unique and creative alternative. The somewhat classic slate has thus given way to a delicate and warm heart ideal to boost your sales on Valentine's Day or Mother's Day! The base is reusable for other themes. A simple and original solution!

An economical solution with a base that can be reused for another theme.

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