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Etiq Group has been a manufacturer of PLV and a supplier of accessories for more than 20 years. We design and create innovative products for professionals.

Our organization allows us to better meet your needs because we specialize according to your profession.

Etiq Creation remains the preferred entity for the demands of brands and points of sale.


We have dedicated salespeople and a design office that are there to offer you unique and original products.
We create more than 800 bespoke products per year and already have more than 3000 satisfied customers!
Indeed from design to production, not to mention logistics, Etiq Creation scrupulously and in every detail, respects your specifications.

We have 2 production sites which allows us to be very responsive.

We have a range of more than 1000 standard references visible on our etiq-store.com website.
You'll find all of our solutions:

  • Visual holders (horses, pouches, frames)
  • Label holders
  • Slate
  • Brochure holders
  • Product displays (boxes, spheres, excavation bins, shop windows)
  • Animation of your linear (pots, cross-merchandising, grips, stop-rays, twisters)
  • Accessories (ventus, magnets, plv assemblies)